Located at the passageway between Asia and Europe the Suez Canal Region plays a strategic role in the history of international trade. This project, covering both sides of the Canal, represents the first integrated and structured approach to seize the economic potential of this unique position.
Given the continued growth in world trade, the increased need for market proximity and supply chain responsiveness, the mandate for Egypt to take advantage of this asset has never been stronger. Therefore, the Government of Egypt planned to build on these opportunities presented by the Suez Canal Corridor’s history to transform it into an economic International hub thus contributing to long term development.
It is an Egyptian and international demand to provide a northern permanent and safe road link between the Nile Valley West of the Suez Canal and the Sinai Peninsula East of the Canal which could act as a part of the International Coastal Express Highway extending from north Africa to Asia via Sallume, Alexandria, Damietta, Port Said, El Arish to Gaza.
The new crossing under the Canal is designed to allow the passage of all types of buses, cars, lorries and articulated trucks. Also, the Design must satisfy the relevant international specifications for the alignment, design, safety and operation.
The design and environmental studies for the tunnels under Suez Canal was carried out in collaboration with Paymacotas. Consultancy services for the construction of two road tunnels with a total length of approximately 4 Km and the assessment of the feasibility of a third tunnel for railway under the Suez Canal were optimized in location to satisfy the development needs of the Suez Canal corridor.